For more than 30 years, Alzheimer’s researchers have thought of APOE4 as a major genetic risk factor for most cases of the devastating neurologic disease. But a new study published on Monday ...
Having two copies of a gene long believed to increase risk of Alzheimer’s disease may actually be a “new genetic form” of the degenerative neurological disease. That’s according to a new study that ...
APOE4 gene mutation may play a more significant role in Alzheimer’s disease than previously thought Individuals with two copies of APOE4 gene have a substantially higher risk of developing ...
Genes known to increase the risk of Alzheimer’s may actually be an inherited form of the disorder, researchers say. WASHINGTON — For the first time, researchers have identified a genetic form ...
WASHINGTON — For the first time, researchers have identified a genetic form of late-in-life Alzheimer’s disease — in people who inherit two copies of a worrisome gene. Scientists have long known a ...
WASHINGTON (AP) — For the first time, researchers have identified a genetic form of late-in-life Alzheimer’s disease — in people who inherit two copies of a worrisome gene. Scientists have ...