Researchers at the University of Virginia have developed a scalable method for fabricating MOF-525, a material that can ...
A KAIST-led research team has successfully demonstrated the internal three-dimensional polarization distribution in ...
Increasing daily consumption of fruits, nuts, and vegetables, while reducing intake of animal products, is linked to a nearly ...
New IVG research offers promising methods for creating human germ cells from stem cells, potentially transforming fertility ...
Research findings show that pitavastatin suppresses skin and pancreatic cancers by inhibiting interleukin-33. A recent study ...
NASA has enlisted nine U.S. companies to conduct 12 studies on applying commercial services to Mars science missions. These ...
Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune—will be visible shortly before sunrise from dark, high vantage points ...
In the brain, timekeeping is done with neurons that relax at different rates after receiving a signal; now ...
Caffeine increases the navigational efficiency of Argentine ants towards sugary baits, suggesting a new method to enhance the ...
Experimental mRNA vaccine proves highly effective against H5N1 in animal studies, offering hope for rapid pandemic response.
Researchers using global robotic telescopes discovered an Earth-sized planet, SPECULOOS-3 b, orbiting an ultra-cool red dwarf ...
A study from the University of São Paulo indicates the Cerrado is experiencing its most severe drought in centuries due to ...